Dog Breeds Central



About Us

We are a married couple of programmers that has a passion for dogs.

Owning three of these great buddies, and one cat that pretty much acts more like the famous Garfield, we experience, on a daily basis, what a blessing it is to have dogs around your family (and yes... a cat the cat was demanding attention).

Indeed, the ones of you who are dog owners can pretty much relate with our above statement; dogs are wonderful to have around. When you are happy, dogs are happy for you and, if by any chance, you are sad then your buddies will run to your side and they will try to cheer you up. The experience: priceless!

Consequently, we created Dog Breeds Central for all dog lovers out there who share the same passion with us. A place in which libraries, articles and data from all around the world will be gathered so as for everyone to access it, for free (!), and find any info, about dogs, that he or she is looking for.

The range of data that is available in Dog Breeds Central is enormous and as you can guess, we will continue expanding our database.

Here, you can find (almost) anything from breeders, dog breeds and anything that may concern your dog or even you, as a dog owner (for more details click here: About the Site ).

However, all of this work is time-consuming and costly (i.e. our server's upkeep costs, countless hours of research etc.); nonetheless we do it because of our passion, and love, for dogs and we want all of it to be available to you entirely for free.

Hence, your support and your donations are what actually keep us going. If you like our work, and what we are doing, support us with your donations; we would highly appreciate any help from you guys.

All that being said we have three final words for you: Woof Woof Woof...

Our Mobile Application

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