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English Cocker Spaniel

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The breed's info is divided in four sections; namely:

the breed's history ,
the breed's main stats ,
the dog's potential health issues
and finally, how the breed scored in 26 different categories.

All the above information should give you a respectively good overview for the dog of your interest.

Dog Breed's Main Info

The Breed's History:

Spaniels of varying sizes have been around for centuries. There are references to spaniels as far back as the works of Chaucer and Shakespeare. Spaniels come in two types: land spaniels and water spaniels. English Cockers are members of the land spaniel family. They take their name from the job they performed, which was to hunt woodcock, a type of gamebird.

Until the past century, it wasn't unusual for a single litter of spaniels to have puppies of different sizes. Breeders would decide what use the puppies in their litters seemed most suited for, depending upon their size, muscle, intelligence, and stamina. Toward the end of the 19th century, however, British breeders began dividing the spaniels into specific breeds: English Springer, Welsh Springer, Cocker, Field, Sussex, Clumber, and Irish Water Spaniel.

All spaniels that weighed less than 25 pounds were classified as Cocker Spaniels. There was some dispute, however, over some of the weight designations, so eventually it was decided that type should be more important than weight in determining the breed of the dog. In 1885, England's Spaniel Club was formed. One of the club's first tasks was to create breed standards for each of the different spaniel types.

On the other side of the pond, the development of Cockers took a different direction. American breeders selected for smaller dogs with a more rounded skull, shorter muzzle, and heavier coat. By 1935, it was clear that American and English Cocker Spaniels were two very different types.

The English Cocker Spaniel Club of America was formed in 1936, and the American Kennel Club recognized the two varieties as separate breeds in 1946, with one being called the English Cocker Spaniel, the other the Cocker Spaniel.

Although the American Cocker Spaniel became very popular in the U.S., the English Cocker is one of the most popular breeds in the United Kingdom. In the U.S., its relative lack of popularity has helped the breed to remain healthy and true to its roots as a hunting dog and pleasurable companion. The English Cocker Spaniel is currently ranked 74th among the 155 breeds and varieties registered by the AKC.

Country of Origin:

Breed Group:

1 foot, 3 inch. to 1 foot, 5 inch. (38,1 to 43,18 cm)

26 to 34 pounds (11,79 to 15,43 Kg)

Life Span:
12 to 14 years

Potential Health Issues:

Eye Problems,
Hip Dysplasia,
Renal Failure,
Congenital Sensorineural Deafness,
Dilated Cardiomyopathy


Apartment Living:

First Time Owners:


Being Alone:

Cold Weather:

Hot Weather:


Affection With Family:

With Kids:

With Dogs:

With Strangers:

Health and Grooming



Easy To Groom:

Overall Health:

Weight Gain Potential:






Prey Drive:

Barking or Howling:


Need For Exercise

Energy Level:


Exercise Needs:


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